At Carmen, Bohol, the LGU’s and Farmers’ Group showcased a successful vegetable production farm amid this covid19 pandemic.
The Lucky Mountain Farmers Association, a recipient of the DA’s Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund has engaged into rice-based diversified farming. Among others, the farmers’ group has a vast ampalaya farm, upo, tomatoes, eggplant, and string beans.
Carmen’s Municipal agriculturist Arlene Cabisao said that their office has provided the technology on vegetable production which the farmers have adopted.
Mayor Ricardo Toribio Jr of the same town has expressed deep appreciation on the initiative of the farmers’ group. He committed to give additional 200 meters of pipes for the water supply of the farm.
DA7 Regional Executive Director Atty. Salvador Diputado during his visit to the farm said that the agency will deliver submersible pumps to the farmers’ group not only for irrigation but also for their inland fishery project. “The LGU Carmen will have more interventions from DA7,” Diputado added.
The vegetable production project implemented by the farmers’ group and the LGU is in support of Secretary William Dar‘s food resiliency program during this health crisis due to Covid19.