One of the biggest challenge in our society today particularly in the medical area is the continuous widespread of the controversial illness people infected with HIV/AIDS.  The medical profession is in a dilemma how to prevent this, that until now they could not find any medication and intervention to cure such kind of illness.

HIV/AIDS is being considered as one of the social problem arising all over fhe world today.  Commonly, patients diagnosed with this illness isolate themselves by suffering in silence.  They could not openly reveal in public or even to their immediate families, relatives and friends for fear that they might be humiliated and be judged negatively.  For this reason, they become psychologically, emotionally and spiritually affected. The consequence made it hard for them to accept the realities that is why they are force to live in the dark.

According to a certain in depth study and reaseach headed by Dr. Brian Bantugan from St. Paul’s College Research Center, the youngest victim in the Philippines is a 13 year old boy studying in a public school and belonging to a poor family.

Based on the records, the number of HIV/AIDS victims in our country is very alarming that our stakeholders both in private and government, should considered this and give  immediate and serious actions beneficial to alleviate the plight of the said victims.

In this context, the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) attached agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) with the collaboration of other agencies: DOST-NCR. PCRHD, TAPI and NAST made an in depth study and research in this regard.  In the Press Conference held at the Sulo Hotel, Quezon City they thoroughly discussed the Promotion and Awareness of HIV/AIDS Through Digitized Arts.  This is a strategy on how to spread awareness and educate through the use of social media and the like.  Viewers at home especially in school can openly discussed the issue of HIV/AIDS without malice at all and with the idea of lessening the stigma associated with the said illness. (Adela G. Ida)