
Some 150 recruits took their oath of office administered by Police Regional Office 3 Regional Director PBGen Rhodel O,. Sermonia. The event was held at the PRO3 Makatao Activity Center, Camp Olivas, City of San Fernando, Pampanga in the morning of August 24, 2020. There was also a presentation by PBGen Rex M. dela Rosa, Deputy Regional Director for Administration.

Of the 150 police recruits, 127 are males and 23 are females. All were given the rank of Patrolmen and Patrolwomen (pat). After their oath-taking ceremony, the new police recruits will further undergo one-year training at the Regional Training School 3 in Magalang, Pampanga.

“Now that you are already part of the Philippine National Police, you should be sincere about it. Your salaries are now bigger, you are very lucky. So the expectations on you are also higher, especially when it comes to discipline,” PBGEN SERMONIA said to the police recruits in his message. (CRIS PALARCA)
