
To maintain a healthy lifestyle and to be physically fit while performing their duties, Police Regional Office 3 under the leadership of PBGeN Valeriano T De Leon revived the “Pulisteniks” program (also known as Police Calisthenics).

On Tuesday, both uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of PRO3 participated in the 1-hour Zumba and Taebo exercises which is also in line with the guidelines of PNP Chief PGEN DEBOLD M SINAS. Pulisteniks which is scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday is the upgraded version of Pulis Hataw, which requires the basic physical activities like running, walk-jog, biking, and zumba that aims to improve the physical, mental, and morale states of PNP personnel.

“Physical fitness is both an individual and organizational responsibility, and every PNP personnel should be physically fit in order to effectively deliver the best police service,” PBGEN DE LEON said. (PIO-3) (CRIS PALARCA)
