
Former Senator Leila M. De Lima has confirmed that she will continue to serve as the spokesperson for the Liberal Party (LP) until 2025. Speaking at “Everything for Good” The Agenda Media Forum in San Juan City, De Lima emphasized the pressing issues that demand attention.

De Lima highlighted the ongoing political dynamics between the Marcoses and the Dutertes, particularly in the context of potential Charter Change discussions. She stressed the importance of vigilance amidst these developments, particularly regarding economic provisions and foreign business ownership.

Addressing concerns about potential changes in the educational and advertising sectors, De Lima cautioned against allowing full foreign ownership, citing potential cultural and geopolitical implications.

Regarding the possibility of another Trump presidency and its global ramifications, De Lima emphasized the importance of fortifying the country’s defense capabilities and remaining vigilant against external threats.

She underscored the need to oppose Charter Change at the present time, expressing concerns about its potential impact on the Office of the Vice President and political stability.

De Lima also addressed the ongoing tensions between the Duterte administration and the International Criminal Court (ICC), highlighting the possibility of the issuance of a warrant of arrest against Duterte in connection with the alleged violations of human rights and crimes against humanity which were allegedly committed during the height of the “Drug War”.

Despite her continued role in the LP and advocacy for human rights, De Lima clarified that she will not run for any elective position in 2025, citing practical considerations.

Regarding the Senate investigation involving Pastor Quiboloy, De Lima stressed the Senate’s prerogative to compel his appearance and urged him to cooperate with the investigation.

In conclusion, De Lima reaffirmed the LP’s commitment to opposition politics, emphasizing the importance of good governance and combating disinformation.

De Lima’s remarks underscored the complexities of Philippine politics and the need for continued vigilance in safeguarding democratic principles and human rights.

