
With the rising of cases in the current pandemic, the Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) has been likened to a “war zone,” at war with Covid 19 and  constantly dealing with numerous challenges in front of them while ensuring everyone’s safety, security and protection. This hospital functions as a tertiary referral center in the country specializing in chest and lung diseases. It has the necessary equipment capable of providing advanced respiratory support to patients with complicated respiratory conditions.

It is very fortunate indeed, that Bayer, Philippines has donated a reinforcement in the supply of isolation gowns, personal protective equipment (PPE), in addition to financial support.

Recently, LCP had to expand its ICU (intensive care unit) complex to accommodate a lot more patients suffering from severe and critically ill COVID-19. Dr. Norberto A. Francisco, LCP chief of Clinical Trials and Research and spokesperson for COVID-19 Incident Command System, said that the hospital has had a similar preparation in the past for isolation ICUs (intensive care unit)  in a unit detached from the main building during the eras of SARS (Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) -COV, albeit in a much smaller scale.

Right now, cash and PPE donations have been pouring in from individuals, companies, and the government. “We sincerely thank the people at Bayer for their kind hearts to help us and our fellow health care workers here at the Lung Center of the Philippines while we care for our patients,” Dr. Francisco gratefully said. LCP has converted their new open-air outpatient building into a triage or receiving area for COVID-19 related patients. They have also designated “red zone” areas dedicated to suspect or confirmed COVID-19 patients including wards, isolation rooms, ICUs, hallways, elevators and specific routes for transport, for the safety and protection of all.

Four out of six of their regular wards were dedicated to COVID-19 isolation rooms and one whole wing was converted into an all-ICU isolation rooms to augment their two existing ICU units already dedicated to COVID-19 cases, Dr. Francisco B added. The LCP is even planning to set up more facilities which includes putting up tents in their parking lot that will serve as a field hospital capable of caring for as much as 100 patients hooked on a ventilator. (Melody Aguiba)