DOST-FPRDI’s Ms. Fe P. Frialde lectured on the conversion of handmade paper into novelty items such as tissue holders, scrapbooks, gift wrappers and boxes.
Quarantine-affected businesses whose finances where placed on the line can now avail of DOST’s Virtrual Forum to explore other income-producing ideas.
The DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently conducted an online Technology Forum. It is indeed a welcome note for small entrepreneurs for their offering of livelinood ideas.
The forum covered five most currently in-demand technologies of the Institute: charcoal briquetting; handmade paper and fossilized leaves making; bamboo-framed retractable face shields production; and personal hygiene anti-microbial products making. Resource persons were Engr. Amando Allan M. Bondad, For. Sheena Kryzel F. Siapno, Engr. Cesar O. Austria and Dr. Jennifer P. Tamayo.
“We thought of having this forum in support of ordinary Filipinos whose livelihoods have been badly hit by the pandemic. We wanted to provide them with low-cost, income-generating ideas they could explore,” explained Ms. Grecelda A. Eusebio of the Institute’s Technology Licensing and Promotion Section (TLPS).
“As a result of the event, our office has received several inquiries and letters of intent on the adoption of bamboo-framed face shields and charcoal briquetting. We are expecting more requests in the coming weeks,” she added.
According to Eusebio, DOST-FPRDI regularly conducts technology forums to promote the Institute’s researches and technologies to potential partners and investors.
The first in a series, the June 15 virtual Technology Forum was a joint activity of FPRDI-TLPS and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, Forestry and Natural Resources and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) Program on Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) Batch 2. It was attended by more than 100 participants via Zoom, with an estimate of 11,000 reach via Facebook Live.

DOST-FPRDI’s production of the bamboo-framed face shield, and anti-microbial soaps and hand mists were prompted by the need for personal protective equipment and hygiene products amid the COVID-19 outbreak.