
The Medical Institution in the Philippines face crucial problems in handling major disease such as heart ailment, diabetes and cancer. These are the leading causes of fatalities for Filipinos based on hospital records in our country today, despite the expertise of medical professionals, modern hospital facilities and the availability of medicines in the drugstores and in the hospital itself.

The supply of medicines for these diseases are all imported, mostly from the U.S.A.  It is so alarming and scary that medical practitioners cannot give exact treatment to patients diagnosed for these diseasea.  It has been observed that mostly patients who undergo treatment and take the prescribed medicines even with proper dosage by rigorously following instruction suffer complications as side effect for the continuous intake of medicine.  Worst their vital organs become damaged.

This is now the biggest challenge that confronts our medical institutions and as well to our medical professionals.  They are trying to find serious and appropriate actions to solve the issues and problems concerning the health and well being of our fellow Filipinos suffering for these diseases.

Recently, 2nd Talayang Heartbeat: Omics Technologies for Health with its theme: “Lunas na Sakto para sa Pilipino” was held at Labreza Hotel, Quezon City, February 27, 2019. This has been organized by DOST-PCHRD (Philippine Council Health Research Development)

The panelists were: Sec. Fortunato de la Pena; Usec. Rowena Christina Guevarra; R & D;  Exec. Director Dr. Jaime C. Montoya,-PCHRD; Dr. Rody Sy, UP-PGH; Dra. Cynthia Palmes-Saloma, Phil. Genome Center and Moderator, Dra. Eva Cutiangco de la Paz, UP, NIH.

The panelists have discussed and elaborated issues in their indepth studies and research as regards to OMICS Technology. The DOST have funded research projects and spent millions of pesos for technologies, equipments and infrastructures in order for the Philippines to be at par with other countries.  Sec. de la Pena introduced the Genomics programs and successful projects of PCHRD in conducting research in cardiovascular disease, cancer, HIV treatment and Leptospirosis.  ” The efforts of the DOST are geared with main purpose, that is to give the RIGHT medicine, with the RIGHT DOSE, to the RIGHT Filipino, ” he said.

According to Sec. de la Pena, Genomics is the study of person’s genome, including interaction of those genes with each other and the person’s environment. Medical practitioners including scientists can check whether the drugs given to patients really works. Through genomics DOST aims to develop new health products and services that would help clinical practice, guidelines and policies here in our country. Genomics can also be used as alternative sources of materials for forensic identification. It delved in studies on Paternal-relatedness/ identification of male sources of DNA.

Genomics and other Omic Technologies will aid clinical diagnostic testing. It would help medical institution and research facilities  to identify new treatment that is sourced locally.  It would help lower the price of medicines and develop more effective measures and therapies to our Filipino patients. (Written by: Adela Garapan Ida)
